raleigh qigong taich

Mind-Body Harmony

Create a harmony between how you think, how you feel and how you move. The connection of ‘who-we-are’ and ‘who-we-want-to-be’ is part of the Traditional  Journey, whether it be Tai Chi, QiGong or Yoga.

Yoga Classes Raleigh


martial arts raleigh

Traditional Martial Arts

Traditional Martial Arts has always been a combination of Training Self-Protection, Getting in Better Physical Condition and Understanding Yourself through the Process.

kids martial arts raleigh
Youth Martial Arts

Kids and Young Adults are trained individually and in small groups, based on their personal needs.  To keep adolescents and Young Adults interested, it must mean something to them.

It’s About You

When you Join our Family, it’s about you.  About you achieving your goals and moving at your pace. TW. Smith was trained in Traditional Chinese Culture and shares that with you.

There are no uniforms or belts required, and no contracts necessary. Your test is in your effort, your understanding.

When the Body is Still, The Mind is Active,
When the Body is Active, The Mind is Still.


TW Smith

Come Meet Us..

We have no doubt that you will find our Tai Chi, QiGong and Martial Arts school unique. The quaint and family like atmosphere, and you will see quickly that we are unlike a commercial school.  We believe in taking care of you.